Understanding The Card Registration Addon Settings

Below is a guide to help you understand and complete the options in the card registration section:

  • Enable Card Registration Module:

    Check the checkbox next to “Enable/Disable Card Registration Module” to reveal the additional settings specific to the card registration addon.

  • Configure General Settings First:
    Before proceeding with the card registration settings, ensure that you have configured the settings above the card registration section, as they may affect the functionality of the card registration module.

  • Card Verification Merchant ID:
    Enter your FAC Merchant ID used for card verification transactions. Special FAC credentials may be issued for card registration purposes by some banks. If applicable, enter the designated FAC Merchant ID here.

  • FAC Merchant Processing Password:

    Enter the corresponding processing password for the FAC Merchant ID entered above.

  • Card Verification Acquirer ID:

    Enter the Acquirer ID associated with the FAC account.

  • Maximum Number of Verification Attempts:
    Limit the number of verification attempts customers have to prevent guessing of verification charges. It’s recommended to allow no more than 3 attempts for added security.

  • Time Limit for Verification of Credit Card:
    Set the duration customers have to verify their card after the verification charge has been made, specified in minutes.

  • Only Accept Registered Payment Methods During Checkout:
    If checked, customers must register and verify their card before using it for checkout, resulting in changes to the checkout page for logged-out and logged-in customers.

  • Select Supported Currencies for Card Verification:
    Choose the supported currencies for card verification, ensuring they match those supported by the merchant account.

  • Important Notes:
    When entering FAC credentials for card registration, ensure to use the appropriate credentials based on whether TEST MODE is checked or not.


Tokenization must be enabled in the settings for Card Registration to function correctly.

By understanding and configuring these settings, you can effectively utilize the card registration addon to enhance the functionality of your payment gateway.